Monday, August 22, 2011

Death Of Conchobhar

Cet, Son of Madu, cam across the green at Emhain with three heads of Ulster warriors. Cet was said to be the most troublesome monster in Ireland. Cet is Satan. Conchobhar exceeds all standards known to man. Cet tries to kill him on the spot, but it ends up being seven years before he would pass. Or, he had to pass seven layers before he would meet his maker. Conchobhar is a man who can do just about anything, and being in the delicate state he was in, year after year of ‘baby-ing’ his body and ability had to have became harder and harder to cope with, so by the time Christ was killed by the Jews, he was looking for a way out from his seemingly endless tourture, went crazy, and did what he was told not to for freedom in death.

1 comment:

  1. Cet isn't Satan. He is a trouble-maker for the Ulstermen, but he is also just a warrior trying to great deeds and be remember. He isn't evil, but the story is told from the point of view of Ulster and the tone reflects that the author really cares for Ulster and Conchobhar.
